Terms of service

The present Agreement determines terms of use by Users of materials and services of the website dekorshtukaturka.ru  (further — "Website").

1. General conditions

1.1. Use of materials and services of the Website is regulated by standards of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.2. The present Agreement is the public offer. Getting access to Website materials the User is considered joined the present Agreement.

1.3. The administration of the Website has the right to change conditions of the present Agreement unilaterally at any time. Such changes come into force after 3 (Three) days from the moment of placement of the new version of the Agreement on the website. At the User's disagreement with the made changes he is obliged to refuse access to the Website, to stop use of materials and services of the Website.

2. Obligations of the User

2.1. The user agrees not to take actions which can be considered as the violating Russian law or rules of international law, including in the sphere of intellectual propertyauthor's  and/or allied rights and also any actions which bring or can lead to violation of normal work of the Website and services of the Website.

2.2. Use of materials of the Website without the consent of owners  is not allowed (1270 G.K article of the Russian Federation). Lawful use of materials of the Website requires the conclusion of license contracts (obtaining licenses) from Owners.

2.3. When citing  materials of the Website, including the protected author's works, the reference to the Website is obligatory (Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of article of 1274 G.K of the Russian Federation).

2.4. Comments and other records of the User on the Website should not conflict to requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and generally accepted standards of morality and morality.

2.5. The user is warned that the Administration of the Website does not bear responsibility for visit and use by it of external resources, references to which can be contained on the website.

2.6. The user agrees that the Administration of the Website does not bear responsibility and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or arisen losses or losses connected with any site content, registration of copyright  and data on such registration, the goods or services available on or received via the external websites or resources or other contacts of the User into which he came, using information posted on the Website or references to external resources.

2.7. The user adopts the provision that all materials and services of the Website or any their part can be followed by advertizing. The user agrees that the Administration of the Website does not bear any responsibility and has no obligations in connection with such advertizing.

3. Other conditions

3.1. All possible disputes following from the present Agreement or related are subject to permission according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as establishment between the User and Administrations of the Website of the agency relations, relations of association, the relations on joint activity, the relations of personal hiring, or some other relations which are directly not provided by the Agreement.

3.3. Recognition of any provision of the Agreement by court invalid or not subject to compulsory execution does not attract invalidity of other provisions of the Agreement.

3.4. The inaction from Administration of the Website in case of violation by any of Users of provisions of the Agreement does not deprive Administration of the Website of the right to take later the corresponding actions in protection of the interests and protection of copyright of the Website materials protected according to the legislation.

4. Registration

On the website dekorshtukaturka.ru  registration of users is applied. Filling a form, you leave the address of the e-mail and a name. In certain cases in addition the surname and phone is required. You can refuse registration of the personal information, but in that case you will not be able to leave comments, to receive mailing or personal services and products.

E-mail, the phone number and surname which you specify at registration in this or that form on the website dekorshtukaturka.ru are not available to other users of the website. We reserve the right to keep your e-mails with the purpose to answer your questions and to improve our support service. In addition your e-mail can be used for information mailings from the website dekorshtukaturka.ru  and only from it. You are free to unsubscribe at any time.

Cookies (cookie)

When you visit the site dekorshtukaturka.ru , your computer saves several cookie files – small files with character set thanks to which your browser is identified by our website for the correct display of information.

When you are registered on the website, additional cookie which allow to avoid repeated need for input of a name for the following visit can go to your personal computer. On the end of a session you can erase data in case of use of the public computer. In this case you in addition should clean a browser cache.

We apply cookie for the purpose of improvement of quality of the provided services in means of preservation of settings when filling forms, for example, by search and input of inquiries in a search line. Almost all browsers are already initially adjusted so that to accept cookie, but you can forbid use of cookie on the computer or refuse display of notices of their departure. However in this case some functions on our website can incorrectly be displayed.


Every time when the user visits the site, servers automatically write down information from the browser which in turn transfers data at any visit of pages. Information contains the web page, the IP computer, control of language of the computer, browser type, time and date of inquiry and also cookie files for exact identification of the browser.

Some references on the website can be in a format which allows to monitor actions of users that we could increase quality of our services.

The real privacy policy can change and all changes will be displayed on this page. Any data which we collect are never transferred to the third parties.

The user confirms that he is informed of all paragraphs of the present Agreement and certainly accepts them.